Etching Workshops
Experience the magic of etching.
These workshops provide a supportive atmosphere in which to learn the skills and techniques of the etching process. My goal is encourage creative exploration and the discovery of one’s own artistic voice using the unique opportunities of the etching medium. For lovers of line and texture and experimentation.
Basic skills of non-toxic etching:
This course will give the student an understanding of the principles of etching and the basic skills necessary to produce a successful etching. Before starting we will examine a variety of etchings to inspire and give an idea of what is possible using basic techniques.
Techniques taught include:
bevelling the plate
applying a ground
linear mark making
aquatint tones
stopping out
preparing the paper
inking up
registering the image
printing the image using the press
During this course it is expected the student will produce at least one and possibly two small etchings and have printed several
Student Gallery
Below are some of the gorgeous etchings produced by students on the Basic Skills weekend:

"I loved discovering how the process of etching contained so many different steps, all of which were totally absorbing. I was thrilled with the results and really enjoyed Jay's relaxed and supportive approach to teaching. The weekend spent in her beautiful studio space was bliss!"
Tania Norfolk

"Jay, your passion for the medium is so addictive. I was so enthused by the whole wonder of the processes, that my heart rate was elevated and I could hardly sleep on the first night. An amazing experience and I will be back for more you can count on it."
Nicolette Louverdis
"It was very interesting and a nice experience, with ideas and patience everything is possible!"
Soo Yir Lammers

"Even though the freedom of my hand was not natuaral to the medium, Jay, with her gentle and articulate guidance, proved to be an inspiration and I found myself in new personal teritory, and excited by the creative process - I can't wait to do more...."
Lucy Scott
"I really really enjoyed Jay's course it was truely inspirational! i love etching and couldn't belive that i hadn't heard of it before. it is such a beautiful and interesting process."
India Scott

"Without a doubt this was the most outstanding course I have been on. I would have to say
it was the course of a lifetime and it exceeded every expectation that I had, and more. Thanks Jay."
Catherine Russ

"We both really enjoyed this weekend; I felt that the whole process of etching was de-mystified without any of the magic being taken away. Really looking forward to the extension course!"
Giles & Emma Panting

"Going to Jay's etching course in her studio at the bottom of her garden was like walking into a creative playground. Her gentle and encouraging teaching has opened up a whole new language for me to express myself with. Thanks, Jay! When's the next course?"
Sarah Keogh
Etching extension course
For those students who had so much fun on the first course they want to continue etching and extend their range of techniques. In this workshop the basic skills will be consolidated. In addition students will learn to achieve a greater variety of effects using aquatint with a variety of stop-outs. We will also experiment with including texture by using soft ground and textural material, e.g. lace, netting string, foil, feathers, cling film.
Studio Etching Group
For those students who have attended the basic skills and etching extension courses, and who wish to practise their skills, my studio will be available for use once a fortnight. There will be a small cost and materials - paper and zinc etc. will also be available for purchase.
In addition I will be holding further extension courses for students wishing to increase their repertoire of techniques. The dates of these will be organised in negotiation with students.
This course will take an in depth look at the possibilities of drypoint both as a stand alone medium and as part of an etching design. We will be working on both aluminium, zinc and mylar, using hand and power tools. If you own a dremmel or a cordless drill bring it along.
Multi-Colour etchings:
A range of techniques to include more colour possibilities into your etching. These include - two plate etching, relief rolling, using mixed media to work on top of an etching.
Embossing - the 3D effect
An exploration of the possibilities of embossing areas within an etching utilising both collograph techniques and two plate dry embossing.
Non-press printmaking
Learn printmaking techniques that don’t require a press and need only limited and inexpensive materials. A fun, playful workshop where the students get a taste of lino and woodcut and stencil and junk printing.